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This minimalist 30x40 inch oil painting is the epitome of elegance and sophistication. "Self-Assured" was first discovered by the well known designer, Athena Calderone, but countless remakes continue to sell regularly to minimalist lovers who appreciate its simplicity and versatility.

Featuring heavy texture and soft hues of warm and cool white, this oil painting is the perfect neutral addition to any room. It's the ideal statement piece for those who want to add a touch of class and refinement to their living spaces without overwhelming their decor. 

This ships free within the United States and arrives ready to hang with attached wiring. Please see the featured media linked below. Please note, this painting is a replica of my original "Self-Assured" that previously sold. While it may not be an exact copy, each piece is painstakingly crafted to closely resemble the original. 

2 left in stock and are currently drying. Will ship as soon as fully cured.

30x40 inch oil on canvas

Featured media: Athena Calderone's EyeSwoon

Regular price $1,654.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $1,654.00 CAD
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