Yellow Finch
Yellow Finch
"Yellow Finch" is a striking balance of simplicity and boldness, captured in this 24x36 inch original oil painting. With its minimalistic yet impactful design, this piece evokes thought and celebrates individuality. Heavy strokes of black dominate the composition, accented with delicate touches of taupe, blue, and vibrant yellow—paying homage to the North American yellow finch.
The infusion of color adds depth and dimension without overwhelming the visual harmony, creating a modern, refined look that fits seamlessly into sophisticated spaces. The precise attention to composition and the use of negative space highlight the beauty of minimalism, allowing the piece to stand out while maintaining a sense of balance and elegance.
Although "Yellow Finch" has already been sold, it remains a celebrated addition to a distinguished collection.
"Yellow Finch"
24x36 inch oil on canvas